
The mission of The Right Marriage Counseling, Inc. is to provide Christian marriage and relationship clinically-informed, biblical counseling and education services to the local church and community throughout Tampa Bay and beyond.


The Right Marriage will execute its mission by partnering with local churches, members of the community, and ministry partners to create a venue for Gospel-centered,  biblically focused accessible soul care.

Core Values

  1. Christ-Centered: As the Christian life is focused upon becoming like Him, biblical counseling ministry must always point to Him.
  2. Gospel-Saturated: As the Christian life is empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, biblical counseling ministry must always be in accord with Scripture.
  3. Clinically-Informed: As people possess both a body and a soul, biblical counseling ministry must always be aware of the inter-relatedness of these two human characteristics.
  4. Professionally-Oriented: Biblical counseling ministry must recognize the expectations of our culture, and seek to serve the community in ways that foster confidence in God’s word.
  5. People-Focused: Biblical counseling ministry is rooted in the redemptive mission of God, which is the rescue and restoration of man out of a world of darkness.

Ministry Values

  1. Evangelistically-Minded: Biblical counseling ministry must always proclaim the truth of Christ and his word as the ultimate source of hope for all mankind.
  2. Progressively Relevant: Biblical counseling ministry recognizes the need for foundational faith-based counseling, and to seek to embracing the problems of today  with scriptural foundation along with practical application for the care of souls.
  3. Awareness-Raising: Biblical counseling ministry seeks to inform the community that the answers to your situation is the Gospel as the ultimate source of hope.
  4. Accessible: As biblical counseling is a Christian ministry, it must be economically accessible to the entire community.
  5. Disciple-Making: As the goal of all Christian ministry is the glory of God and the making of disciples, so these reflect the heart of biblical counseling.